
In the heart of Kashmir's embrace, a tale unfolds by the name "Maizah by Hands of Gold’’ - a distinguished apparel brand that redefines contemporary handwoven fashion while keeping the art true to its quintessence. Specializing in the timeless crafts of tilla and aari embroidery, embodying the refined taste of Kashmiri connoisseurs, each thread in our creation is a witness to whispered sonnets, and dance of hands meticulously weaving a tapestry of sheer grace. Our limited-edition collection is a ‘yearly spectacle’, and ‘made to order’, making each piece as exclusive as a cherished heirloom. Explore the regal artistry of 'Maizah by Hands of Gold,' where tradition meets the contemporary in every silhouette.

    Hands of Gold

    Woolen Stoles

    Made of dense, soft wool that feels like heaven against your skin, Kashmiri Woollen Stoles & Scarves are a spectacular addition to our collections. These are articles that adore comfort as much as they adorn you. A little weaving, a lot of thought, entire yarns and what you get is something you wear across your shoulders, poised and pure.

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    Hands of Gold

    Tilla Work

    Back in the day, Tilla Embroidery was done using threads made of Silver and Gold. But with time it turned into a machine based craft. At Hands of Gold, we still prefer the old and rich than the new and overdone.

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    Hands of Gold

    Aari Work

    Introduced in the 12th Century by Persians, Aari Embroidery is the art of bringing detailed designs to life. The patterns, the design, the gorgeous colours, it’s as if they all secretly conspire to gift you something wearable which only grows more beautiful with time. While Kaarigars are the living proof of this art, they’re nothing without you, the canvas.

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